EXIT PLANNING: Planning to Sell Your Business

Whether you are planning on selling your business now, or in 2 years time, it is never too early to start planning your exit strategy. In fact, most experts agree you should start planning your exit strategy when you commence business.

We see many business owners come to us who need to sell urgently. However, their business is simply NOT buyer ready. Key financial information, management systems, lease details, employment contracts etc. are either not up to date, missing or sometimes simply do not exist.

Our experts can work with potential sellers to ensure all relevant documentation and systems are in place in order to effectively enable buyer due diligence and reflect your business in the best possible light to potential purchasers.

Another common mistake we see in the small business sector is where there are no contingency plans in place to keep the business running smoothly, should the owner step out of the business or be unable to be hands on in the business for any length of time. Having management systems in place to allow the business to continue running smoothly in the absence of the owner is crucial to both the longevity of the enterprise and to the future sale of the business.

Remember, if the business cannot run successfully without you in it, you DO NOT have a business to sell. Sometimes the implementation of these systems is simple to employ, and in other cases it is more difficult. Having one of our exit strategy experts work with you throughout the implementation of this process will greatly enhance your chances of developing a successful management system.

Please contact us and we can give you an indication of where your business sits, and what work needs to be undertaken to get your business in peak condition for sale.