
How to Run a Successful Family Business

Family businesses make up a major proportion of new businesses in Australia every year. In this article, we share 7 tips that will help you establish and run a successful family business.

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How to Sell a Hospitality Business

Get maximum returns on your restaurant, pub, bar or hotel with this quick guide on how to sell a hospitality business.

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When is the Best Time to Sell a Business?

At Transact Group, we can help prepare a business sale strategy at any stage of the business. Ideally, you will begin planning for exit a few years in advance of the target exit date, however we have helped businesses at all stages including emergency sales. In this article, we explain a few indicators that suggest it may be time to sell your business.

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How to Grow Your Business with Exit in MInd

Developing a solid plan of action to make your business grow may not receive the amount of attention that it warrants. However, if your business plan includes a quick exit, growth should be at the forefront of all business activities.

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